So I asked Jordan about his popcorn secrets and he was happy to share. I shared mine, which I was surprised were very different. Then, for the sucker punch I mentioned Toasted Cheerios, my wife's salty snack favorite.

Before I go too far, I have to tell you I'm a pretty heavy hitter when it comes to popcorn. I have roots going back to my younger days, at the feet of my Dad who made popcorn just about every Sunday. My Dad's popcorn was amazingly delicious... light popcorn with just the right amount of salt and oil. Dad's popcorn is very 'by the book' - 1/4 cup oil, 1 cup popcorn, into the Stir Crazy. After the popcorn pops, Dad's trick is to first salt the popped bowl of corn, then dump half into a bigger bowl, salt again, then dump the rest into the bigger bowl and salt a final time.
This was heaven until I discovered a few things in the mid-90's:
- Butter. I always thought butter was something that went extinct in the 60's (kids, that was before I was born). Apparently it's not a myth and it did not become extinct. There is a thriving underground butter trade and I ran into it around the mid-90's.
- It IS possible to improve upon mother's (and father's) cooking. This revelation alone is probably worth its own blog, but just go with me on this.
- Systems Engineering. Over the 90's my study of this auspicious degree developed within me the need to "make it better"... this degree essentially challenges - nay, compels the follower to "make it better" (whatever "it" happens to be).

So here is my ultimate "Bring it on, Jordan!" popcorn:
- Don your kitchen garb - whatever keeps you clean.
- Place 2 Tbsp. butter in a small microwave-safe teacup or mug and place in the microwave.
- Get out a large bowl and next to it place your Morton popcorn salt.
- In a Stir Crazy electric popper (we're on our 4th popper; I'm open to suggestions), add 3 Tbsp peanut oil and 1 scant cup Orville Reddenbacher popcorn, cover and plug in.
- Melt the butter for 20 seconds. You could do this at step 2 but I want it to be warmer so this is the habit I've gotten into. Set the microwave for 8 seconds but don't start it.
- Grab the popper on both sides with some mittens or 'hot pads' and start to gently shake the popper, pushing away and pulling towards you in swift, gentle motions. This helps the popper evenly distribute heat over the kernels since the oil is really what distributes the heat, not the bottom of the heating unit. It also lessens the chance of burning and increases the number of popped kernels.
Instead of hot pads, you might want to consider using a rag to wrap over the top of the contraption to prevent burning, or wearing a coat or long gloves, as the oil can and will splatter. (I usually use a rag but didn't in the pictures here so you could see what I was doing.)
- When the first few kernels pop (it's just starting to get going), speed over to the microwave and press Start.
- Bring the butter back to the popper and set aside.
- Continue to shake the popper, until it's really going strong and a quarter to a third of the popcorn is popped.
- Grab the butter, lift the top lid and dump the butter in. Quickly close the lid, then turn the teacup/mug upside down into the waiting bowl so the remaining butter will be captured. Mmmm...
- Continue to shake the popper, a bit more vigorously now so that the butter will drip all around into the popping frenzy.
- Because you used a high-smoke point oil and because there are no sugars, you're safe letting the popcorn pop a few seconds beyond the last kernel pops. In fact I probably wait longer but I enjoy the half-popped old maids and the nutty flavor left over by the cooking at the very end. This part is up to you.
- When popping is finished, unplug the Stir Crazy and turn it upside-down, removing the heating unit. Salt quickly, dump half into the big bowl, salt again, dump the remainder, then salt again. Now, using your clever chef skills, give the popcorn many good tosses to shake it up and spread around all the salty, buttery goodness.
- Enjoy!

So, other than a secret jealousy for his popper (all metal, stove top style), and a curiosity for his different (and healthier) choice of ingredients, I left Jordan's house with a challenge in the air. He threw back the threat of "popcorn night showdown". Huh!
Am I scared? No, just hungry!
I already know who will win the "Jason vs. Jordan" show-down . . . me and VAL! Y'all come over anytime!
I had know idea popcorn could be so complicated! But I must say, that I do miss you popcorn Jason. I remember so fondly Sunday evenings playing Risk and eating your popcorn on Mom's kitchen table! Good times, good times.
Yep, many great Sunday evenings with p[popcorn at your house! We have the same tradition...every Sunday night it is popcorn night with Eldon's family. WE actually use the stove top popper that you can get at Target. They are very sturdy and will last a LONG time. Eldon is VERY picky about his popcorn and he loves the stove top one. I had to laugh when I read your post because it is so much like Eldon.
Very entertaining and informative, Jason! I can relate (once again) with Karen on this one about being married to someone so serious about both making and eating his popcorn.
I remember that Joe wanted to call you as soon as I gave him his Stir-Crazy for his birthday a few years ago for tips so I know he'll be very interested in the finer points of this post. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
hahaha! So glad you added that pic with the "crazy in your eyes"!! You popcorn maniac. We must have you over soon for a popcorn party! Can't wait to show this post to Jordan...
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