Every little bit helps! For those who have never been, WDW is very expensive. But it's not without justification. It is probably one of the best, if not THE best theme parks in the world. It's basically supply & demand and they can certainly demand

Karen will Probably blog about our trip (she'd better), so I won't dig too deeply into the details, but we had a fabulous time. What I will say however is that we have decided at this point we're not addicted to WDW as are many of the people we know. We'll probably go again in 3 years or so for the kids, but our thoughts of returning for a wedding anniversary are souring; we'll probably go

Work has been very stressful as I've been given an assignment that is already fully underway (I'm taking over for someone who has to take a leave of absence). It's a role where I have little experience but the assignment is highly visible to the client and critical in terms of how they view my company's ability to delivery quality & value. It's a fairly short but intense assignment; I could feasibly be through by March, possibly stay on another year for the next release if things go well (I have doubts about my abilities but we'll see). M

Anyway, the trip to WDW was much needed but not the relaxing experience it could have been due to the anxiety I'm feeling about doing a good job on this assignment. I haven't felt this much anxiety about work (or school) in ma

We had a great trip, but I could tell you were stressed about your new role. I say it every time, and every time I'm right- You're going to be awesome! LOVE YOU! Thanks for a great week (and life!)
How fun! Enjoy these times with your kids...we have decided (after already sending one off) that we need to do more memorable things like this with our kids. I also love the pictures of you mom and dad...they are two of my most favorite people ever!! If you ask my kids who the favorite aunt is...it is Joyce!
Thanks for posting some pictures of your trip! I've really been looking forward to seeing them, so these can hold me off until Karen gives the whole story!
I'm sorry to hear about your stress at work. Dave says he sympathizes with the idea that when you've got a problem like that, no matter what else you are doing at the present time, it's always pressuring you in the back of your mind. It's a terrible feeling! He's been struggling with it too with his school/work situation. So, know that our family is thinking and praying for you!
love the pictures! we talk about taking our kid(s) when they can all walk. i went alot as a kid/ teen to disneyland, so the urge to go again and spend the crazy amounts of money is not really there for me. dave and i really would like to explore more places that we haven't been yet, before we see things we already have... but i have to admit, disney is pretty magical! good luck with your new assignment- i'm sure you will do great :)
Jason, those are some great pictures! I am SURE you'll do great at your new job assignment, your company is so lucky to have you!
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