Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Quirks

Over a year ago my dear sweet sister-in-law, Brooke, tagged me for this "Quirks Tag". The challenge is this . . .
- Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
- Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.

So here goes . . .
1. The domino of to-do's. When I notice something needing done, I stop everything to do it. Then, while I'm getting that done, I find something else to do, and stop everything to do it... there's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza.
2. I'm a perfectionist, and it drives me nuts that I'm not perfect at it yet. Still working on this one...
3. My fall asleep routine. Counting. Money, money... My best way to fall asleep started when we had significant credit card debt. I would work out ways of saving pennies and how to get us out of debt while lying in bed. This became a habit, and for years my best way to get to sleep is to plan the Welker economic journey for the next 10 years. When that doesn't work, I count in my head until I fall asleep.
4. Snack food hoarding. This one goes back to my youth. I would save my candy for a rainy day, sometimes for months. It drove my Mom nuts, knowing it was there, so occasionally she would take a piece. So the game was to hide it well enough so I would have it when I was ready, and she would have to come to me to ask. I still have a tendency to candy hoard.
5. Hypermiling. I'm not completely off my rocker on hypermiling, but it's a pretty cool concept. Some people have been known to get more than 100 miles per gallon of fuel, using their non-hybrid, naturally-aspirated engines.
6. The need to be right, or "Macs really are better". I learned to love Macs about 5 years ago, when after using an iPod for a couple of years and after growing tired of regularly having to fix my PC, I finally bought a Mac. I won't get too deep here but I'll state that getting people to understand and listen open-mindedly about the benefits of a Mac over a PC is a bit like trying to talk with a Baptist about the Book of Mormon. Outside of Macs, I'm also generally always right. I admit I have a hard time admitting I'm wrong; it's a known flaw, quirk, or (for my PC friends) you can call it a feature. And I'm working on it. Stay tuned for the next release?

I know everyone already suspected that I'm weird and bizarre. Now you know.

I probably don't know enough bloggers to tag 6, so I'll just leave you to enjoy my quirks, and if you haven't done it already, consider yourself tagged.


Karen Scott Welker said...

I still don't know how you fall asleep thinking about money and budgets. That would keep me awake all night. But it must be working, because we don't currently have credit card debt.

Jim said...

We think you are wonderful and unique, thanks for sharing. Looks like Karen's not the only one in the family that can write.

Brooke said...

I too get distracted from one project to another, and if thinking about money helps put you to sleep AND continue to be financially savvy, more power to you!

I would be open to the Mac much more if I was the dominant computer force in our household, but alas, I am not, by a long shot...though after the past 2 weeks of "computer hell" that Joe has been through, he might be more open to it too. It's not often that I've seen my husband close to tears of complete frustration, but dealing with our HTPC lately has been one of those times.

loriwelker said...

We had to be candy hoarders cuz mom always ate the candy lol

loriwelker said...

btw you're so much like dad in your top ones.